We've designed and developed Canadian Websites since 2004
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Social Media VS a Website
What is the best for me?
Social Media vs
A Website
Social Media has, in recent years, been a valuable addition to online advertising.
Social Media is great in helping you to connect with your audience.
Building your brand
Reaching new audiences
and, interacting with your brand.
The core value having a website is that:
You can be quickly found in an online search. Not everyone will be on your favourite Social Media platform.
A website should be a truly beautiful online showroom for your products and services.
Establish credibility and proof of professionalism.
Professionals look for websites for business interactions, not to Social Media.
Reciprocal linking to other websites is an extremely valuable search advantage.
With a professional website you can then link your powerful online showroom to your social media for added outreach.
Now you have the best of both worlds.
ceo (at) artscriptpublications.ca
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Artscript Canada Advantages
Why Choose Us?
Advantages of an Artscript Canada Website
Your company website is a valuable tool that will serve you as:
- > Your strategic marketing agent
- > Your company show room displaying Products & services.
- > Your open door to prospective clients or customers where the lights are always on - 24 / 7.
What your Business Website does for you is:
1- Better compete with other companies in your market area by using your website to strategically display all of the services you have to offer.
Location - Location - Location!
2- Websites allow you to display huge amounts of information, far more than any other advertising media, for just a fraction of the cost.
3- Your business can advertise and publicize more affordably on the internet 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
4- People first go to the web to find a business. Social Media is limited to only those who search that particular platform.
5- A website makes it easier for customers to do business with you. Without so much as a phone call a prospective customer can access your website for free and easily view all that your business has to offer.
6- Having a website gives your business a much more professional presence.
7- It is easy to update your website with your latest news or prices much more quickly and affordably than with print based media. A website can save you a lot of money in communication and administration costs.
8- By linking your web site with other advertising campaigns or Social Media you can create brand awareness.
9- Your business website is a valuable online showroom for your products or services.
10- You can use your website to network with other companies and build better business relationships, locally and around the world.
So . . Why Choose Us?
1 - We are Canadian, dedicated to building effective, attractive, modern, searchable business websites.
2 - For Alberta, Saskatchewan & B.C Peace Country Businesses we are local, centrally situated and interested in seeing our business clients succeed.
3 - With Artscript Canada, construction of your website is only the beginning of our work. Then comes our free advertising campaign that virtually no other web developer is doing. We freely advertise your business on Peace Country On The Web advertising site.
This is the science of reciprocal linking (back links) that Google sees as a strong network. These advertising links are then attached to virtually every other business website that we build which then links your website to all the others.
4 - Every site we build is optimized for mobile devices and kept “Google compliant” which means continual upgrading of our sites with the ever changing world of search engine optimization.
5 - We use only Canadian Web & Domain Hosting for our clients. (Calgary and Vancouver)
6 - Our client’s websites and domains are protected with the best available spam protection.
7 - Ask how we can help your new, fledgling business get started with a great web presence.
ceo (at) artscriptpublications.ca
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What Will This Cost Me?
Web Development Costs
Web Development, fully featured, multi page websites with Domain and Hosting in Canada:
(To list on the Alberta On The Web or Peace Country on the Web Business Finder see the bottom of this page)
Initial setup: $250.00
Includes initial set-up costs to begin building your website. This will cover purchasing and setting up your domain name (your own internet address name) and your hosting (the server where your website is kept). Development of a holding page for the site. Research of your domain name to ensure non conflicting accounts and provide secure hosting with an Artscript Canada account out of Calgary. This would also include insertion to multiple search engines, Web directories & initial internet marketing. (called SEO)
With an Artscript Canada small business account you can have all the photos and documentation you would like on categorically organized pages. This includes ten free email accounts under your professional website business name such as, office@yourbusiness.ca or name@yourbusiness.ca
$150.00: Development of each internal page. Here, I insert your custom banner, header, images, documentation, text, outside and inside links and business indications, which are the surface meta or visible search criteria (This also includes one round of revision)
(Note: this is a professional business website that works for you! We do not build homemade Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal or Wix websites.)
What will it cost next year?
Annual hosting & domain is $135.00 per year.
Requested changes to the site:
Billed at $35.00 per hour, recorded on a running account and invoiced at the end of the year. Future Web maintenance such as changes or additions to your site is an hourly rate of $35.00 (This includes work such as sizing, cropping or enhancing your photos or designing a company logo with Photoshop or upload new documents and photos to your site from time to time.)
Extras as needed:
* CMS page: add $189.00 (one time fee) (Content that you can manage / change on the site from your own browser)
Shopping Cart: add $35.00 an hour to set up.
Medium sized account: add $75.00 (If you require more than 10 emails and / or a large site that requires more hosting space) Annual hosting fees are $210.00
Large hosting account: add $150 (If you require up to 40 email accounts and / or more hosting space) Annual hosting fees are: $285.00
Business Pro web account: For a large business website with 100 email accounts please add an additional $464.95 to Annual hosting fees are: $599.95
Other things you might need for your business Website
To design your company web logo with photoshop $35.00 per hr.
Developing secure login pages and shopping carts take extra time and resources, this is billed out as extra time at $35.00 per hr.
* CMS: If you would like to be able to edit a page on your site from your office or home browser we will build you Editable pages or editable regions of a page using a Content Management System. CMS allows you make changes to one or more pages of your website yourself without disturbing the rest of the site. The cost is $189.00 per page or editable region, which covers the extra time involved in creating this option.
You simply cannot advertise
24/7 for 365 days a year this affordably anywhere else
Listing Prices:
If your website is designed and hosted by Artscript Canada.ca we will list your business FREE with Alberta On The Web and or Peace Country On The Web.
For businesses with an already existing website who wish to advertise with Alberta On The Web, the cost is an easy $55.00 per year. This would require a link on your website to "www.albertaontheweb.ca" which will effectively complete the back link network.
To build a single webpage (simple, clean, colourful webpage) hosted on Peace Country on the Web.ca business finder $250 (Annual hosting is $135.00 per year)
ceo (at) artscriptpublications.ca
Artscript Canada Web Design

Artscript Canada Web Design
Canadian Web Development & Effective Business Promotion
Contact Artscript Canada
Doug Greenfield, Design, Development & Promotions
Maggie Greenfield, Admin, Editor & Research
Won’t cost a dime to send us a message!
ceo (at) artscriptpublications.ca
For administration:
cao (at) artscriptpublications.ca
A Few of Artscript Canada's Portfolio

A Few of Artscript Canada's Portfolio
~ Click & Support our Canadian Businesses ~
The sites below are a cross section of business & private websites designed and developed by Artscript Canada
Building your website is only the beginning . . .
Then we go to work online
advertising your business 24 / 7
Canadian Web Designer - Canadian Web Developer - Canadian Business Promotion
For More See
Peace Country On The Web
Hire a Canadian Web Developer
Advertising your business across Canada

Hire a Canadian Web Developer
Advertising your business across Canada
Looking for a bonafide Canadian Web Developer?
Artscript Canada has been in the web development business since 2004 and has many happy clients.
Check out our very affordable rates for Canadian Businesses
Think about it . . check it out . . . then call:
Or shoot a quick email to:
ceo (at) artscriptpublications.ca
After your new website is launched, then we go to work to strengthen and advertise your business on the web where people are looking.
Alberta Business Web Development:
Web Design for Alberta Businesses

How many web developers do you know who actively advertise your business for free!
British Columbia Business Web Development:
Web Design for B.C. Businesses

A website is the most cost effective way to advertise your business.
Online, available to your perspective customers 24/7 all year long.
There is a specific science to web building
Which is why some sites work and some do not!
Is your business website
Google Compliant?
There's reason that some websites work and some don't !
Which simply means that you benefit greatly by having links to other sites that link back to you.
Do you have a Wordpress, Wix, Joomla or Drupal website thast doesn't work well?
There's a reason for that!
Ask us.
Canadian Business Websites constructed with an Apple / Linux platform - Hosted right here in Canada
Web Design & Site Promotion by:
This Business Website
Developed & Promoted by:
Artscript Canada
This site is promoted & back linked by
Peace Country On The Web